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Teach Me Balance Bike

Location of activity varies per village

We all know the trick with riding a bike is being able to concentrate on balancing, steering and pedalling all at the same time. Not as easy as it sounds. Balance bikes are brilliant because you don't need to pedal ... all the focus is first and foremost on balancing, so there's no need for parents to run along behind to catch falling children! We start by walking while sitting in the saddle to build confidence, gradually encouraging your little ones to lift up their feet, zoom along and steer. Very often children switch straight from balance bikes to pedal bikes without ever needing stabilisers.

  • Ages 2 to 6 years
  • Equipment provided
  • This activity can only accommodate one adult per participating child. Additional spaces may be available on the day – please ask a staff member before your session.
  • Helmets must be worn for the duration of this activity.

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