Terms and Conditions
Booking terms and conditions Activity booking terms and conditions Flex Your Stay terms and conditions
If we have asked to use one of your images from social media please see our social media terms and conditions
My Basket | Date | Time | Quantity | Total Price | Held Until | |
Image for {{booking.activityDesc}}
{{current.location || ''}} {{current.webLocationID}} |
Varies | Varies | Varies | Actual price {{booking.currency}}{{booking.multiBuyFullPrice.toFixed(2)}} Discounted price {{booking.currency}}{{booking.multiBuyPrice.toFixed(2)}} | {{setHeldUntilTimeout(booking)}} | |
Image for {{booking.activityDesc}}
{{booking.location || ''}} |
{{booking.date}} | {{booking.time}} |
Image for {{booking.activityDesc}}
{{booking.location || ''}}
{{booking.webLocationID || ''}}
{{booking.date}} | {{booking.time}} |
{{currency}}{{getActivityTotal(booking)}} | {{setHeldUntilTimeout(booking)}} | |
Activity Package offers
Also add one of the activities below to your basket to save up to 20% with our exclusive package offers.
Image for
Save up to{{parseInt((each.multiBuyDiscValue/1))}}%
{{currency}}{{total.toFixed(2)}} (Saving {{currency}}{{savings.toFixed(2)}})
Booking terms and conditions Activity booking terms and conditions Flex Your Stay terms and conditions
If we have asked to use one of your images from social media please see our social media terms and conditions