The staff within the First Aid Centre at Center Parcs will make every effort to recognise guests’ wishes regarding attempting CPR at the end of life. In order for this to occur it is important that a documented “Do Not Attempt Resuscitation” policy document (DNAR) is brought to the village with the guest arriving on holiday for review by the Nurse and First Aid Emergency technician on duty.
The DNAR will need to fulfil normally accepted criteria, namely:
1. It must be original; copies of the form will not be accepted
2. It must contain the guest’s personal information; a minimum of the name, address, date of birth and NHS or Hospital number must be recorded.
3. It must include the date the form was completed
4. It must include statements about the capacity or not, of the guest to make the DNAR decision, and the reason for completing the form.
5. It should include whether the decision has been communicated to the guest’s relatives and friends.
6. The form must be signed by the clinician completing the form and reviewed by the most senior clinician involved in the guest’s care. There must be evidence of regular review of the decision.
7. It should be signed by the guest or by the Welfare Attorney previously nominated by the guest if the guest has become incapable of making this decision but has previously indicated their wishes.
Where a DNAR is not brought to the village, CPR will be initiated in line with our legal duty of care and compliance with NMC Code of conduct (specific to Registered Nurses) The Nursing and Midwifery Council (nmc.org.uk). As well as the initiation of CPR, contact will be made immediately with 999 for further guidance and CPR will continue until external ambulance service advice is given or resource (ambulance/paramedic) arrives and takes over. The call will be made by the FAC team and Village Management will attend/support if additional resource is required.
Necessary details of the guest’s DNAR will be briefed to all First Aid Centre staff on duty during the course of the guest’s stay. Should it become necessary, the team will share the DNAR with all other appropriate parties.
The guest’s DNAR will NOT be shared with the wider First Aid team on the Village. This is a substantially wider team with a substantially lower level of medical training than the team within the First Aid Centre and as such their brief remains to attempt CPR in all circumstances unless specifically directed not to by the Center Parcs First Aid Centre team or other medically competent individual where this can be achieved without risk to themselves.
The decision not to share the guest’s DNAR with Village First Aid personnel has not been taken lightly. It has been taken, having regard for the wider safety of all guests and staff on site and the potential for confusion, incorrect identification etc that an attempt to share the information more widely could involve.
The First Aid Centre operates on village 9am – 9pm every day and will give priority to emergency call outs.
Any queries regarding this policy should be passed to the First Aid Centre.