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Bowling lanes with balls on stand
Leisure Bowl

Leisure Bowl

Entrance to the Leisure Bowl is in the Village Centre next to the Subtropical Swimming Paradise entrance and via a ramp from ground level.

The entrance has one set of manually operated double leaf doors – these are usually held open during opening hours.

Accessible toilets are available in the Leisure Bowl in the bar area.

Lighting in all area is subdued, particularly in the evening.

The bar area and Leisure Booking point has a single lowered counter section (height 800mm).  Staff will also be happy to assist.

Bowling lanes are fully accessible with ramps for children and wheelchair users.

Seating within the bar and disco area is on one level.  A children’s disco is held every day except Monday and Friday.

There is adequate space within the House of Games for a wheelchair to access the area - there may however be limited

access to all machines due to the proximity of the gaming machines.