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Aqua Jet and Glow

Subtropical Swimming Paradise

Experience the Subtropical Swimming Paradise from a whole new perspective as you delve through our magically glowing pool in this atmospheric activity. Using the miniature submersibles, you will learn new manoeuvres and take part in games amongst ambient lighting and floating LED stones.

  • Minimum age 8 years
  • Upgrade your session to a Package to include a photo to remember your aquatic adventure, available at our UK villages only
  • Please wear swimsuit or shorts without tassels or loose ties
  • Participants must be able to swim a length of the pool confidently unaided and unaccompanied 
  • Hair must be tied back
  • Children under 12 must be accompanied by only one adult aged 18 years or over and all parties must arrive ready in beachwear style clothing
  • Please bring your own goggles

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